Digital: quantum technology, a sector between experimentation and major innovation

#Digital #Insights&co
© Ramon Salinero

Quantum technology could become a game changer, and given that Atlantic France is a leader in the digital sector, it is a field offering promising business opportunities, despite the many challenges that remain.

Quantum physics, which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, has profoundly changed the way we see and interpret the world. It has made numerous technological advances possible, such as laser emission, GPS, medical imaging, cryptography, and nanotechnology. 

Nearly a century later, new quantum technologies are being developed for applications such as sensors, computing, and communications. Today, they are the focus of a veritable international race between the United States, China, and Europe. 

In 2021, France adopted a national strategy designed to transform the country’s IT and industrial sectors and elevate them to the forefront of the world rankings in quantum technologies.

Uses and challenges

Responding to economic, security, and sovereignty issues, quantum computing is set to revolutionise the world of tomorrow, and its long-term applications offer very exciting prospects.

  • Data analysis: massively increase the computing power of supercomputers. Applied to big data, this technology will speed up and simplify data analysis.
  • Cybersecurity: keep digital data safe and secure.
  • Aviation: simulate much more complex aeronautical situations.
  • Weather forecasting: calculate extreme weather conditions more accurately and more quickly.
  • Autonomous cars: speed up the development of autonomous cars.
  • Medical research: offer personalised therapies, particularly against cancer.

The opportunities

The advent of quantum technology is expected in the next decade, but industrial giants are already racing to innovate. In Atlantic France, research and development in this field is already a reality and local players are taking a keen interest in the subject.

  • Atos has committed to building a Factory of the Future 4.0 in Angers, which will be operational in 2026. The new Angers site will specialise in the production and testing of supercomputers, quantum simulators, high-end servers and cryptology, and cybersecurity products and technologies.
  • Thales intends to position its future research and development campus in Cholet as a global benchmark in cybersecurity through the integration of quantum technologies.

Want to know more about the quantum computing market in Atlantic France and the development opportunities? Contact us now.

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