Blue economy: the Ruptur Association wants to alter the current way of doing business

#Innovation #Insights&co
© Ruptur

Entrepreneurs from Atlantic France have joined forces to create Ruptur. The association wants to create new business opportunities by following the “Blue Economy” model which aims to combine creativity and environmental awareness in order to achieve economic growth.

The Belgian economist and business leader Gunter Pauli founded the Blue Economy movement. Inspired by his visit to Atlantic France, 17 entrepreneurs from Loire-Atlantique and Vendée decided to create an association called Ruptur in 2018. 

Our desire is to create a real environmental and societal breakthrough to build the economy of tomorrow, anticipate business changes, create new models and pass them on to younger generations. Our waste can be seen as untapped value by our businesses. Our mission is to reveal and create economic, environmental and social value, where constraints can be found.

The Founding Members of the Ruptur Association

A fast growing community and concrete actions

The Ruptur Association now brings together around 160 members, including some in other departments of Atlantic France and beyond. Those members can use a web platform with many available resources, participate in networking events and attend inspiring conferences.

Primarily, they carry out collective projects of general interest on a variety of topics, such as: mobility, construction, supply chains, accounting, digital, sustainable food, education, etc. In June, for example, the association published a 50 page guide titled: Objective: zero waste professional packaging. Their publications and collections of good practices are available on their website.

In addition, the association created its own label in 2021. Nine innovative projects have been labelled so far, with the most recent being completed in June. It was attributed to BlockTo+, which consists of eco-designed modular blocks made from recycled PP5 plastics.

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