Innovation: two webinars on smart grids and renewable energy

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In January, Enlit Europe and the association Think Smartgrids are organizing two webinars for energy professionals. The first will be on the theme of power system flexibility and the second, in partnership with the association Smile, on the grid integration of renewable energy.

Smart grids have a major role to play in the reinvention of our energy models, a pillar of  sustainable economic recovery. Atlantic France has made smart grids and renewables a priority and is taking part in the development of key innovations to accelerate the transition towards smarter energy production, distribution and consumption.

Over the next weeks, advisors from the Business Solutions Atlantic France agency will participate in webinars dedicated to this particular field.  

January 15th: a webinar on power system flexibility

Enlit Europe will be organising the first webinar in partnership with the SEE (Society of electricity, electronics & information and communication technologies) and the French committee of CIRED (International center for research on environment and development). It will take place on January 15th, from 10:00 to 11:30 am CET, and will be dedicated to the theme “Power system flexibility, what’s next?”.

The speakers will analyze the various levers of flexibility for power systems and networks, detailing the technical, economic and pricing aspects, with short and long term perspectives. They will take stock of their implementation (theory vs. practice) and the stage of industrialization of the different solutions.

Organisations represented by speakers: Think Smartgrids, SEE, French national committee of CIRED, Schneider Electric, the electricity transmission department of the French energy regulatory commission (CRE), Enedis, Energy Pool, Engie, RTE (the French transmission system operator).


January 26th: a webinar on renewable energy’s grid integration

The association Think Smartgrids will be organising the second webinar with Smile. The name of this association stands for “SMart Ideas to link Energies” and it has been created by the regional councils of Brittany and Pays de Loire (Atlantic France) to support industrial projects connected to the development of smart grids. 

The webinar will take place January 26th, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm CET, and will focus on “Renewable energies and the challenge of grid integration”. Smile will present “concrete examples to demonstrate best practices and know-how from Atlantic France”, and Think Smartgrids will demonstrate “how AI can improve the integration and distribution of renewable energies, as well as investment planning and the cost-efficiency of projects”.

Organisations represented by speakers:  Smile association (in particular Marine Gabory from Business Solutions Atlantic France agency), ENAG, Enerfox, ENGIE, Schneider Electric, MINES ParisTech, Artelys, Trialog.


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