Artificial intelligence: major opportunities to seize in Atlantic France

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As the development of AI technology is accelerating worldwide, Atlantic France has a number of significant advantages to offer in terms of its commitment to the industry of the future and the emergence of numerous innovative projects.

While healthcare, the automotive industry, and finance are the three sectors that are reaping the greatest benefits from artificial intelligence, all sectors will eventually have to incorporate AI into their processes, products, or services. Here are a few examples of possible uses:

  • Automotive: vehicle interaction with its ecosystem (autonomous car)
  • Finance: combating money laundering
  • Health: optimising molecule testing (clinical phases)
  • Construction: predictive maintenance of equipment
  • Aeronautics: air traffic management (on-board AI and autonomous aircraft)

Figures on artificial intelligence in France

  • 90% of managers believe that AI represents a business opportunity for their company. (Source: BCG)
  • The global Artificial Intelligence market is expected to reach $267 billion by 2027 (Source: Fortune Business Insights, 2020)

The AI market in Atlantic France

While AI was still an emerging topic in Atlantic France just 3 years ago, it has now become a very significant talking point. The local ecosystem is growing, and the region has real potential, with industries that are becoming more and more interested in what AI can offer them.

Major players based in the region

The ecosystem in Atlantic France is both specialised and diversified, with many local players (AI applied to industry and services, AI applied to support functions, digital consulting), such as :

  • Horoquartz (Vendée): AI solutions for HR and security performance
  • Cross Data (Maine-et-Loire): AI solutions for business performance
  • Capgemini (Loire-Atlantique): AI data analysis
  • Voxymore (Sarthe): AI solutions for signal, speech, and language processing
  • Luminess (Mayenne): AI solutions for sales performance

A European digital innovation cluster

Launched in March of 2023, the Diva (Digital Innovation Value Accelerator) regional consortium aims to pool skills to support VSEs, SMEs, ETIs, and local authorities who are facing challenges with data and AI. It has been awarded the European Digital Innovation Hub label and is financed by the Atlantic France regional council and the European Commission.

Over the next three years, Diva aims to engage with 3000 businesses operating in different sectors in Atlantic France (manufacturing, healthcare, mobility, tourism, etc.). Its services are tailor-made and include:

  • Digital maturity assessments and co-planning for digital transformation
  • Implementation support and testing of solutions
  • Searches for funding opportunities
  • Upskilling and access to training
  • Access to an ecosystem and European cooperation

Cutting-edge advice and training

The Diva consortium brings together innovation support structures such as Atlanpole, EMC2, Solutions&co, ADN Ouest, and Capacités. Thanks to their knowledge of technical challenges and the regional ecosystem, they can offer excellent support to project leaders.

The regional training offer is expanding to meet the growing needs of AI: more than 40 data / AI training courses have been identified in the region (Source: Observatoire de la Grande École du Numérique). 

Recognised events

The West Data Festival (Laval) and the Salon de la DATA (Nantes) are major annual events that bring together all the players in the digital sector and place Artificial Intelligence at the heart of their programme.

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